The senior section is back in action next week with pre-season training kicking off on Thursday the 5th of August for some of our teams.
Ladies 1s and 2s - Loreto Bray
- Thursday 5th of August 7pm - 8:30pm
- Saturday 7th 10am to 12pm
Normal Training slots will then resume on Tuesday's 8.30pm to 10pm and Thursday's 7pm to 8.30pm.
Ladies 3s and 4s - Loreto Bray
- Thursday 12th of August 8.30pm to 10pm
Normal training will then resume on Tuesday's 7pm to 8.30pm and Thursday's 8.30pm to 10pm.
Ladies 5s and 6s - Temple Carrig (TCG)
- Wednesday 18th of August 8pm to 10pm
Normal training will then resume on Monday's & Wednesday's 8pm to 10pm.
Men's 1s,2s and 3s - Temple Carrig (TCG)
- Thursday 5th August 8pm to 10pm
Normal training will then resume Tuesday's & Thursday's from 8pm to 10pm.
Membership Renewal
Subs must be paid in full or the first instalment paid by the 1st November. Subscriptions must be paid in full by the end of January 2022. Any members failing to observe this rule shall not be eligible to play. Any outstanding subs from the previous season must be paid in full along with at least three first instalment by 1st November.
Senior registration and payment must be made truth Clubzap. Go to 'My Club' and select 'Membership' and follow all steps.