Bray Hockey Club are delighted to announce our coaches for the 2020/2021 season:

Sara Quill: Ladies 1s Coach
- 2nd year in the position
- Loreto Bray Coach Jan 2020
- Leinster Junior Ladies Assistant 2019
- Leinster Junior Men Assistant 2018
- Leinster Development 2014-Present

Nasir Munir Chaudhry: Men’s 1st XI Coach & Coaching Director
- FIH-AHF Field Hockey Expert
- FIH Educator
- FIH Level 4 High-performance Hockey Coach.
- Ex International Hockey player of Pakistan.
- Performance Director of Genesis HC

Robin Le Quesne: Men’s 2s Coach
- GB coaching level 1 and 2
- Secondary level PE teacher GB
- Junior coach with YMCA since 2013
- Represented Jersey and the Channel Islands for 15 yrs
- Played with YMCA since 2013
- Represented Leinster and Ireland at o’40s and 45s Masters

Ruth McDonagh: Ladies 2s Coach
- Played Junior Leinster ladies 2019
- Bray L3s Coach 2016/17
- Bray U18 Girls Coach 2016 - Present
- Bray U14 Girls Indoor Coach 2018/19
- Irish U16 Boys Manager 2018-present

Trish Martin: L2s Manager
- Played for Bray HC for 20 years
- Managed 4 the and 5ths teams 2019/20
- Still playing with BHC vets

Cheryl O’Toole: Ladies 3 Coach
- Played Junior Interprovincial in 2014 and 2015 for South East (Vice Captained the team in 2015)
- Have played for Bray Hockey Club 1's for 21 years
- Captained the team numerous times over the 23 Years in Bray Hockey Club
- Player/Coach to Bray Hockey Club Ladies 1's 2016 - 2019
- Coached Bray Hockey Club 4’s and 5’s in 2018/2019/2020

Greg O’Toole: Ladies 3 Manager
• Has had a playing career for BHC Men’s 1’s for 16 years
• Coached BHC Ladies 4’s & 5’s in 2007
• Coached BHC Ladies 1’s from 2016-2019
• President of BHC 2019/20
• Committee member for numerous years in BHC

Saoirse Gulifoyle: Ladies 4 Coach
• Player BHC Ladies 1's Div 2 - 2019/20
• Player BHC Ladies 1's Div 3 - 2018/19
• BHC U14 Coach 2018/19
• Loreto Bray Senior 1's 2015 - 2019
• Loreto Bray 1st year coach 2018/19
• Cardiac First Responder and First Aid Responder with Order of Malta
• Hockey Ireland Youth Leader
Suzy Kenna: Ladies 6 Coach
• Played BHC Ladies 1’s &2’s for the last 4 years
• Played Senior school hockey for 3 yrs
• Played U16 Leinster Interprovisional

Douglas Keeley: Goalkeeper Coach
- BHC Ladies 2’s coach 2018/2020
- Assistant goalkeeping & defensive coach BHC ladies 1’s 2015-2018
- BHC junior coaching 2013-2018
- With a playing carrier of over 16 years in the net

Suzy Kenna: Ladies 5/6 Coach

Caoimhe Hardiman: Ladies 5/6 Coach
Sam Henson: Ladies 5/6 Coach
- L1s Captain 2020-2021 Div 3
- L1s Captain 2019-2020 Div 2
- L1s Player since 2016
- Senior hockey for all of secondary school
- Competitive nature and lover of all things fitness!!